News From Howland Capital

Having joined the firm about the same time everybody was worried about Y2K, she has been a consistent and upbeat presence at the firm, as well for the clients with whom she works. She has balanced her dedication to her profession with her family commitments which includes raising two delightful twin girls. She is our “go to” person for all things retirement and we look forward to at least another 20 years with her in our midst.

Congratulations Lexi!

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Welcome Andrew Swanson

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Andrew Swanson to Howland Capital as a portfolio manager. Andrew has more than 25 years of experience in financial services and brings a passion for investing and client service.
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Company News

Research Excellence

The hallmark of our research approach is the direct engagement with companies, a practice that affords us a granular understanding of business models, market positions, and growth trajectories.
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